Albanians' Perception of Security Captured by 2022 Barometer

The Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance, supported the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Tirana, has completed the Albanian Security Barometer 2022 (ASB).


This is the fourth ASB edition, linking security with citizens opinions, in an effort to strengthen the influence of public opinion on policymaking processes in relation to both security policies and security delivery. The findings of the barometer were presented to policymakers, security practitioners, representatives of international organizations and civil society at a roundtable on "The Connection of Policymaking and Security Provision with the Attitudes and Concerns of Citizens" on June 28, 2002.

The ASB 2022 focuses on four main themes:

Firstly, it captures the citizens' opinion and attitudes on various aspects of security threats.

Secondly, it focuses on cooperative security, capturing the citizens’ opinion on NATO, OSCE, EU, and UN, their role and contribution, as well as the Albanians' expectations of these organisations.

The third theme of the barometer is gender security, equality and gender mainstreaming in general. A specific focus is dedicated to women participation and equality in the security area.

Fourthly, this edition provides special attention to corruption by examining its causes, factors, institutional responses, and trust in anticorruption intervention by state institutions, while also exploring the nexus between corruption and organised crime.

The ASB data aims at providing relevant insights into the Albanian citizens' perceptions of security, promoting well-informed debates on security, and driving effective policy development and reforms by decision makers.


Rr. Kajo Karafili
Nd-14, Hyrja 2, Kati 1
Tiranë, Albania

+355(0)4 22 50 986
