Wednesday, 05.07.2017 - Thursday, 06.07.2017 - Youth Center - Tirana

National Youth Congress V

Also this year Friedrich Ebert Foundation has supported the annual event of the National Youth Congress. On the 5th and 6th of July 2017, the fifth National Youth Congress event was held in the Youth Center of Tirana.

This event consists of two full days of work, where the first day was a fruitful one for over 80 organizations, informal youth groups and youth forums of political parties under the umbrella of the Congress. The positive synergy created, the qualitative discussions and the new findings brought an inspiring atmosphere for the work of the coming months.

The first day was opened with an introductory speech by the Executive Director of the National Youth Congress, Dafina Peci, and the current president Ilir Gerdupi. Mr. Wulf Lapins, Director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, also delivered a welcoming speech to the audience.

The first panel discussion treated the topic of the role of national youth structures in youth empowerment and connectivity as well as regional youth cooperation as a multidimensional trend. This panel welcomed panelists Tobias Köck and Jochen Rummenhöller from the German Federal Youth Council, Milica Skiljevic from the National Youth Council in Serbia, Besart Lachi from the Macedonian National Youth Council, Liridon Iberhysaj from the Central Youth Action Council and Dimitrije Jovicevic, youth representative of Montenegro at the RYCO Board of Directors and was moderated by Bekim Shehu.

The second panel consisted in the presentation of the project Youth Resolution by sharing the key findings from the 12 regions of Albania on Education, Youth Employment, Social Security, Public Space and Integration. In this panel participated the experts that followed the initiative of the Youth Resolution from the very beginning: Blerina Balla, Neshat Zeneli, Marjan Lukani, Rigels Xhemollari and Gentiola Madhi with the moderation of Xhulio Nikolli.

The first day ended with the presentation of all profiles of the National Youth Congress member organizations where each one had the opportunity to describe where their professional focus lies on and the daily work in the community. On the second day the new elections for the Governing Board and for the President of the National Youth Congress took place.


Rr. Kajo Karafili
Nd-14, Hyrja 2, Kati 1
Tiranë, Albania

+355(0)4 22 50 986
