Friday, 27.05.2016 - Hotel Rogner, Tirana

The city for persons with disabilities - Equal dreams, Equal rights

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in cooperation with Së Bashku Foundation and StudioArch organised the round table "The city for persons with disabilities".

This roundtable aimed to discuss the issue of accessibility for persons with disabilities, taking as a reference for illustration the capital of our capital, Tirana. During this roundtable it was promoted a Booklet

“The city for persons with disabilities - Equal dreams, Equal rights”.

This booklet was prepared by a young group of architects of StudioArch and Së bashku Foundation. The booklet shows Tirana as it is today in terms of accessibility for persons with disabilities and how it should be in order to make inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities a reality.

In the roundtable as a guest speaker was Mrs. Ulla Schmidt, Vice-President of the German Bundestag and an expert on disability issues. Also the Deputy Mayor of Tirana, Mrs Brunilda Paskali participated actively and shared the work of the Municipality of Tirana. 


Rr. Kajo Karafili
Nd-14, Hyrja 2, Kati 1
Tiranë, Albania

+355(0)4 22 50 986
