Thursday, 20.09.2018 - "Rogner" Hotel, Tirana

Journalistic workshop "Op-Eds and Research Methods"

Friedrich Ebert Foundation in collaboration with Citizens Channel, held the "Op-Eds and Research Methods" training in Tirana on September, 20th.

Trainer in this activity was the German journalist Joanna Itzek, who is currently the editor-in-chief of International Politics and Society. 4 were the main issues that were addressed: Ethics and journalistic standards at the time of "fake news", the art of writing "ops", editing editorials as well as search and sources of information. Participants had the opportunity to practice during the training how they can express their opinions while writing an "op-ed", how to share facts from opinions and how to balance them in a script.

"Op - Eds" is a journalistic genre that allows authors to express their opinions about events that matter to public opinion.


Rr. Kajo Karafili
Nd-14, Hyrja 2, Kati 1, Kutia
Postare 1418
Tiranë, Albania

+355(0)4 22 50 986
