Our Mission in Tirana

In Albania, FES started its activities in 1991 with a conference on democracy and market economy... (Click on the title for more information)

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Rr. Kajo Karafili
Nd-14, Hyrja 2, Kati 1, Kutia
Postare 1418
Tiranë, Albania

+355(0)4 22 50 986


Active Civil Society and Youth

Active Civil Society and Youth

The Foundation cooperates with various organizations and associations that are actively committed to the country's democratic development. More

Social Dialogue & Economic Employment

Social Dialogue & Economic Employment

FES cooperates with various actors in the field of economics and in this framework it aims to hold and initiate dialogues that contribute to the fair balancing of interests and to a sustainable economic growth. More

Democratic and Independent Institutions

Democratic and Independent Institutions

In a young democracy, FES actively encourages actors on a national, regional and communal level to act and cooperate with integrity and responsibility, competent and dialogue oriented. More

Regional Cooperation and EU-Integration

Regional Cooperation and EU-Integration

The Foundation supports Albania in providing concrete contributions to security and stability in the region. Furthermore it is engaged in enhancing the awareness of the public about the EU accession process. More


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Spotlight on Foreign Policy

26.07.2024 | Spotlight on Foreign Policy

Javës që shkoi Kuvendi i Shqipërisë miratoi një deklaratë për shfuqizimin e ligjit të luftës nga ana e Greqisë ndaj Shqipërisë. Deklarata e propozuar…


23.07.2024 | Spotlight on Foreign Policy

Vitet e fundit, ndryshime të dukshme kanë ndodhur në diplomaci për të përshtatur parimet feministe në politikat e jashtme. Vende si Suedia, Holanda,…


13.06.2024 | Spotlight on Foreign Policy

Zgjedhjet për në Parlamentin Europian shoqërohen gjithnjë me pyetjen se kush do ta drejtojë Europën, mirëpo ato nuk janë gjë tjetër veçse 27 zgjedhje…


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FES on Facebook

FES on Facebook

To learn more about FES Tirana and our most recent activities follow us and like our Facebook Page.
